Most security companies do not spend the time, money, and attention on outfitting their second most valuable resource on patrol (behind the officer) with the tools to effectively look out for your property. And that matters! Let’s compare their vehicles vs ours.

The reason they don’t is simple, they dont make any money based on how effectively the vehicle can do the job.  If they care at all, it’s only what the vehicle looks like. And that’s because they then see it as a sales tool.  They want to give an impression.

The actual implements of the job are completely overlooked.

Bright light is the most valuable tool a security vehicle can have, yet virtually no one focuses on it. If a company does fit a light bar to a vehicle, it’s a small cheap lightbar with yellow lights that do nothing to help the officer do his job.  It’s there because it “looks good”. When you compare their vehicles vs ours you see where we focus our attention; on doing the job.


This is exactly what 90% of Security companies in Dallas are using for patrol.

They will have some lettering and graphics, but no tools for actually doing the job.  They’re cheap and fuel efficient. Those are definite pluses, and that’s exactly why they’re chosen. And there’s nothing wrong with those things.  But the tools are missing.

And by the way, the moment the parking lots start to flood, or the roads ice over, they’re out of commission.

Other Security Cars

High T: All Show & No Go

You can just feel the “cool” factor here, right?  They look great. Dark colors, cool graphics, very macho. But what’s the purpose here?  And where’s the light? Oh, that’s right, it might ruin the aerodynamics of the race car…….Im’ sorry, “Pursuit Vehicle”.

Oh, Good Grief!

I don’t even know where to start.  What on Earth?  You can’t see the side of the car but I promise there are words like Enforcement, or Force, or Strike, or something Tactical.  I’ve been complaining about a lack of lighting, they certainly don’t have that…….but is any of it useful? Those are strobes.  Great for saying “look at me”  or clearing traffic in a high speed chase.  But they will do nothing to light up a property to actually see anything.  They might cause a siezure though.

Cheap Light bar

What's the point of this?

This is their attempt at lighting if they try at all.  A cheap generic light bar that throws no real  light.  But at least they bought something. But compare their vehicle’s lights vs ours, it’s no comparison.


This is what WE use.

We have the tools to do the job. Our vehicle of preference is the All-Wheel-Drive Toyota Highlander. It’s not the cheapest to operate, but it’s reliable and allows us to operate in all conditions.

You think of Dallas as a mild climate, but we have torrential flooding, ice and snow, tornados……and we operate in all of those.  When the ice storms hit, and the tornado hit, we were there working every night.  When no one showed up to your building because of conditions ……we did.

The other companies shut down during these events. It’s understandable. Most people can’t get there. But we prepare for these times, and know that we’re likely the only ones who will make it there to check on things.

Not Flashy: Built to Purpose

It may not fit in a Fast and the Furious movie.  But that’s not who we are, and definitely not the type of teammate we attract.  We’re not “too cool for school”.  And we’re also not Black and White. We don’t use Black and White because we aren’t trying to look like the police (they absolutely HATE those people by the way, is that the relationship you want with the police?).  But our Gray and White scheme instantly gets the message across as to what we do. You know in an instant what we do, but also who we are NOT trying to pretend to be.

We didn't do a build-out for a trade show. We did it for Patrol.

We don’t have strobe lights.  They’re really cool, and they’re cheap too, but they don’t really serve a purpose.  They don’t light up an area and don’t make it easy to see.  

We swapped every strobe oportunity for more bright white solid light.

Tools not Toys

We genuinely applaud any patrol company for putting a light bar on top of their car. At the very least it sets them above 90% of the competition.  Because the others just don’t have anything.  At least they tried.  It may even just be for show.  But at least they have something.  It’s low powered, yellow, flashy, and not terribly effective, but at least they made some sort of effort.

We researched for years, have tried at least 10 different iterations of combinations and installations, tried every new product, mix of philosophies, and ideas we could find. We had piles of discarded junk laying around, because it just didn’t work well enough at night on the street for what we do.


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